March was Filled with NEWIEE Chapter Events

 In NEWIEE Blog, NEWIEE On the Rise

NEWIEE has grown way past its three signature events a year; now offering members tremendous local chapter and group opportunities to connect and learn throughout the year.

Western New England Chapter

The Western New England chapter met on March 21st to celebrate Women’s History Month at Progression Brewery in Northampton, Massachusetts. NEWIEE Board Members Weezie Nuara, Carter Wall, and Sarah Adams joined professionals from the Pioneer Valley area to mix, mingle, and raise a glass in honor of women in the energy and environmental sectors. Keep an eye out for more Western New England programming in 2019!

New Hampshire Chapter

The New Hampshire Chapter meeting on March 21st welcomed over thirty women to their Career Circle event with 100% of feedback questionnaire responses answering “YES!” to the question “Did you gain useful information to apply to your career from attending this program?” Other notable comments included “Fantastic,” “Loved It,” and “More of these, please!”

Rhode Island and Boston Chapters

We are thrilled to welcome both the Rhode Island and Boston Chapters to our reach with kickoff events both happening on March 27th! Both events were tremendously successful with excellent turnouts and plentiful enthusiasm. The Rhode Island event attracted 30+ women from the Rhode Island area, including Office of Energy Resources Commissioner Carol Grant and Public Utilities Commissioner Marion Gold, a former NEWIEE Achievement Awardee.

Also in attendance was a group of University of Rhode Island Energy Fellows who could not have been more enthusiastic about their future careers in this industry. The Boston event opened with 20+ women and was joined by NEWIEE President Jacquie Ashmore. An enormous thank you to Shauna Beland (Rhode Island) and Jennifer Crawford (Boston) for organizing such impressive kickoff events.

Rising Professionals Group

About two dozen women joined NEWIEE’s Rising Professionals kickoff at Coppersmith on March 14th! They had a blast getting to know each other and brainstorming about upcoming Rising Professionals events. Stay tuned for more from this energetic group of women – lots of exciting ideas in the pipeline!

To find out about other upcoming NEWIEE chapter and group events, be sure to Subscribe to our Newsletter and visit our Events Calendar. Want to get involved with the Rising Professionals Group? Please contact Sarah Adams at

NEWIEE’s regional chapters host local events that give our members the opportunity to meet other energy and environment professionals in their area. Visit the Regional Chapters section of our website to get involved with planning events in your areas!

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