NEWIEE on the Rise

 In NEWIEE Blog, NEWIEE On the Rise

The first time I heard of NEWIEE was when my manager forwarded an email about a NEWIEE programming call with the request to get involved. I was six months into a new career as an energy planner and was feeling out of my depth nearly daily. Unsure how I would make the time for an additional commitment, I agreed, and (to this day!) I am so glad that I did.

Flash forward – my involvement grew from that first call to hosting events at our office, planning field trips, and speaking at NEWIEE on Campus panels. The time investment that I initially agonized over has continued to be an incredible win-win that has helped me to flourish in my career and offered me access to an incomparable support system.

How NEWIEE has Benefited My Career

Like many who may read this, I was a young woman working at a majority male firm. I was part of the small fraction of technical staff who weren’t engineers. I was struggling to identify mentors and to envision how I could thrive in both my personal and professional endeavors. Getting involved with NEWIEE afforded me invaluable exposure to peers, role models, and industry leaders. The women that I’ve met through this organization have consistently shared knowledge and inspiration and have validated my decision to enter the sector.

NEWIEE’s Rising Professionals Group

Today, I feel very privileged to collaborate with my wildly impressive and enthusiastic co-board members, as well as NEWIEE volunteers and event attendees, as we support other women as they establish themselves in our fields. To this end, late last year, we announced the launch of NEWIEE’s Rising Professionals Group. The term “rising” was chosen so that any woman, whether a recent college graduate, a new transplant to the field or to the region, or a seasoned professional looking to hone her skills, should feel welcome attending and contributing to group events. I like to think that we are all continuing upward in the trajectory of our careers, and this group aims to provide NEWIEE members all the tools they need to keep on rising.

A major goal of the group is to provide much more than just “networking opportunities.” The value of building a network – especially early in a career – can’t be understated, but while necessary, networking isn’t an experience. Through Rising Professionals programming, we will offer NEWIEE members opportunities to share experiences with like-minded professionals, and to make meaningful connections through these experiences.

Through NEWIEE, I’ve learned that connecting with others boosts moods and morale, and that our connections provide us with the emotional and mental strength to manage opportunities, challenges, and crises. Facilitating these connections is a benefit that we hope the Rising Professionals Group will provide for both new and veteran members. Group programming will aim to help newcomers settle in to this vibrant sector.

Consider Joining Our Rising Professional Group

So please, come join us at an upcoming Rising Professionals Group gathering! We plan to host learning events and sessions with strengths coaches. We intend to expand the reach of the NEWIEE on Campus series. We’re dreaming of a region-wide day of volunteering when we can all roll our sleeves up together. We cordially invite you to provide reading suggestions for a virtual book club. AND we love a purely social outing! We hope you’ll come for a drink, share some of your ideas for the group, and leave with a few new friends.

~ Sarah Adams

The Rising Professionals Group will be meeting to debrief after the Thursday session of NESEA’s BuildingEnergy Boston on March 14th at Coppersmith, located at 40 W. 3rd Street. Learn More.

Want to get involved with Rising Professionals before March 14th? Please contact Sarah Adams at, and stay tuned for more exciting events!

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