NEWIEE Programming

NEWIEE’s programming is the primary means through which we work toward our goal of diversifying the energy and environment sectors. By providing opportunities for professional development and community building, and intentionally highlighting speakers who represent wide-ranging underrepresented voices in energy and environment, we actively support our members’ career entry and advancement to achieve that goal.

Signature Events

Elevate Women All Year Long

Demonstrate your corporate commitment to elevating underrepresented voices by ensuring your brand’s presence at all three of NEWIEE’s signature events.

Purchase a sponsorship and membership bundle for 2025!

Ongoing Initiatives

NEWIEE programs offer ongoing initiatives designed to help women advance in their careers, including:

  • Mentorship Program, which helps to develop junior colleagues.
  • Peer Circles, which match groups of individuals, giving them the opportunity to learn from, connect with, and support each other through discussions and activities.
  • NEWIEE Rising Professionals Group, which offers opportunities for personal and professional development through leadership, education, and access to a network of accomplished peers.
  • NEWIEE on Campus, which participates in events that introduce students to energy and environmental fields.
  • “Ask Me Anything!”, a webinar series that gives you the opportunity to bring your questions about energy, environment, and anything else to leaders and rising professionals in the field.

Local Events

NEWIEE Regional Chapters offer events across New England to give our members the opportunity to meet other energy and environment professionals in their area. Events are put on throughout the year and include:

  • Panel Discussions
  • Tours
  • Networking Events
Contact NEWIEE