2023’s Rising Professional Revamp

 In NEWIEE Blog, NEWIEE On the Rise

When we accepted this opportunity to become Co-Chairs and share our thoughts on the Rising Professional Committee, our feelings were the same. Grace and I really didn’t know what to expect. Nevertheless, we welcomed the chance and were eager to plan. We began our introductory calls and set our intentions and responsibilities for the year. While we both have our primary focus, we are partners and have shared our missions from the start. To grow our community within and create an inclusive and welcoming environment.

With uncertainty in the post pandemic world and after our two bimonthly meetings we found schedules had changed. Of course, proud of our fellow members for rising in their careers, that’s the point! We needed to check in and with still a few at our table, we were inspired.

At our events earlier in the year, we decided to make a couple changes. Moving locations to Worcester with a workshop on leadership styles hoping to be more central in New England. Creating a working relationship with Tufts Fletcher School and engaging students during a more informal networking session. We saw our vision manifesting and continued to ask questions of our engaged committee members.

We moved our meetings to Monthly Meet Ups on Fridays finding that fit with schedules better. We asked for assistance from the NEWIEE Website and Marketing Committees about how to post our meetings to best expand outreach. Gaining momentum and visiting our first (and not last) high school with Dearborn STEM Academy during a round table setting and network bingo. Students were able to share a couple pizza slices and engage with our eight gracious volunteers from our organizational member companies.

Hoping to have started a new tradition of a Rising Professionals Gala group photo and posting our event in the programing. We were able to capture close to 300 registrants for our Maximizing Your LinkedIn Webinar with Breaking Glass. Clearly professional development was important to our members.

We invited our first-time sponsors Burns & McDonnell for a panel discussion and continue to try to have an exercise at each Monthly Meet Up. We find this creates unity among our committee getting to know each other personally and professionally.

Now we know that together with the power of asking the right questions and listening we can find what’s needed most. Always valuing the opportunity to share a moment to laugh and grow. We are forever grateful for all the committee members who have joined us and continue to volunteer. We thank you for helping us make these realizations and grow the community we have today. We look forward to meeting you at our next event, either Rising Professionals or NEWIEE On Campus.

As always, we appreciate your time and invite you to our next Monthly Meet Up.



Grace and Tiffany

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